速報APP / 教育 / Learn Japanese JLPT N5 Pro

Learn Japanese JLPT N5 Pro



檔案大小:31.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Learn Japanese JLPT N5 Pro(圖1)-速報App

Learn Japanese absolutely anywhere you can use your mobile phone or device! You can even Learn whilst walking! You can even add your own words or phrases to learn from! (more below)

Imagine using your time sitting on the bus or train learning a new language. But when you get off and walk to your destination, you can continue studying!

Combine exercise and learning in a convenient and easy to use package, straight from your mobile device.

JLPT (Japanese Learning Proficiency Test) is the International standard for Japanese learning assessment. This app teaches JLPT N5 vocabulary and sentences to give a standing start to learning Japanese. No prior experience necessary!

StudyNWalk Beginner Japanese (JLPT N5) contains 9 Courses with a total of 931 different words and phrases for a total of 4655 flashcards, each with Japanese Text and Voice...

Learn Japanese JLPT N5 Pro(圖2)-速報App

- Hiragana

- Katakana

- 6 Vocabulary packs (The vocabulary list from JLPT N5 test, split into ~100 word bundles)

- Practise sentences using vocabulary.

A Translation Dictionary is also included to help find words at any time.

Learn Japanese JLPT N5 Pro(圖3)-速報App

StudyNWalk uses an SRS-FlashCard system to teach words. Each new word starts with a "Question". Think of the answer. Then swipe down to confirm. Swipe Right if you knew the answer correctly, or Swipe Left if not. Unknown words will be repeated more frequently until you learn them.

Swipe Interface

A new Swipe interface has been introduced to make using the app even easier when not looking at the screen.

Walking mode / Normal mode

Each Deck of words contains two methods of learning. Walking mode is great when you can't always look at the phone screen. Use your earphones to listen to the words being spoken. The buttons on screen can be easily pressed without looking at the screen.

Learn Japanese JLPT N5 Pro(圖4)-速報App

Normal mode provides a deeper level of learning, using voice and text together. Use this if you can look at the screen.

You can switch between the two modes instantly by pressing SWITCH. Imagine you are on the train, you can use Normal mode. But you can still continue learning after stepping off the train and walking to your destination, by switching to Walking mode.

Feedback gratefully appreciated! I'm looking to improve this app to make this a more effective study aid

Learn Japanese JLPT N5 Pro(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad